cities.tsv big cities around the world
  1. Name: local name of the city, can include non-ASCII symbols
  2. English Name: ASCII-only english name
  3. Latitude
  4. Longitude
  5. ISO2: country code
  6. Population
  7. Region: looks like in timezone format
  8. Date: when pop. data were taken (?)
can-trade-picks.tsv custom-made extract of trade data between Canada and its top trading partners
  1. year
  2. origin: source country (3-letter lowercase)
  3. dest: destination country (3-letter lowercase)
  4. sitc4: SITC code indicating the sector/type of product traded
  5. export_val: in US $, 0 when it's an import
  6. import_val: in US $, 0 when it's an export
  • sitc4.tsv has metadata to translate codes into product/category descriptions
  • full trade dataset originally from
canadian-cpi.tsv canadian consumer price index 1914–2018
  1. year
  2. CPI: yearly-average of CPI
  1. id
  2. name
  3. ASCII name
  4. alternate names: comma-separated aliases
  5. latitude
  6. longitude
  7. feature class
  8. feature code
  9. country code
  10. cc2 code: 2-letter ISO country code
  11. admin1 code
  12. admin2 code
  13. admin3 code
  14. admin4 code
  15. population
  16. elevation
  17. dem: Digital Elevation Model
  18. timezone
  19. modification date: when location-specific data were last updated
  • file is 30+ MB: viewing it may hang browser
  • original file ( lacks header line
  • description